Petersburger Nächte in Friedrichshain

von Axel Porsch | Eine Selektion von Online Clips im Rahmen des DotFest – International Online Short Film Festival – ist am Donnerstag in Friedrichshain zu geniessen. Ausgewählte Wettbewerbsbeiträge werden von der Directors Lounge in ihrer Berlin Base in Friedrichshain präsentiert.

We are happy and proud to present the first edition of the DotFest — INTERNATIONAL ONLINE SHORT FILM FESTIVAL which was created to present and reward the very best in international independent short filmmaking.

The festival serves as a platform for both emerging and seasoned filmmakers around the world to showcase their films in effort to receive global recognition and significant cash awards. We’ll help to connect the dots between talented filmmakers and the audience in a web-based environment.

Don’t be scared nor hesitate to upload your film to the competition as our partner utilizes new technology that allows users to submit and view films online and will ensure effective copyright protection for all material. No one will steal it, many will watch!

The best flicks will be selected from the astonishing variety of shorts: dramatic and droll fiction, picturesque and technically gifted animation, music videos to dance to and gaze at, formal and conceptual experimental works! That much in such a short time, in one place — the internet.

As the festival can’t live it’s life without the audience, we’ve decided to get everyone in front of the screen. But you don’t need to walk through the foggy London, windy Reykjavik, boiling Sevilla or crowded Beijing to get yourself to the cinema. All you need — is to be online. No more dealing with babysitters or parking woes or pesky costs of admission or annoying, popcorn-chomping, chatty theatre patrons. It’s your first row seat where you can watch and vote with all the comfort needed. Yes, you’ll vote to decide the fate of the films and it’s directors!

But besides the free expression of popular will there are people who’s opinion you might want to know — the jury. These talented and recognized professionals will watch the films with you and even chat online to finally unveil the best one in each category. Where else will you get behind the curtains to peep at the jury?

So there are the films, the audience, the jury and the prizes — all the dots are connected, all what it takes to make a great festival!

15.04.2010, ab 20:00

Directors Lounge – Berlin Base
HH, 2. Etage
Petersburger Platz 2
D-10249 Berlin
Fahrverbindungen: M10 Straßmannstraße, U5 Frankfurter Tor

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